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How to Maintain a Healthy Microbiome

How to Maintain a Healthy Microbiome
Garden of Life
Writer and expert3 months ago
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Why is my microbiome important?


With our microbiome supporting a wide range of key bodily functions, including food digestion, metabolism and brain function, it’s clear to see how the health of our microbiome is intrinsically linked to our overall health.


When our gut is healthy, we are healthy too.


What Is a Microbiome?


Firstly, let’s start by looking at what a microbiome is. Microbiome is the name given to the live bacteria, fungi and other micro-organisms that reside in our body. Live bacteria in your gut contributes to health and wellbeing by providing diversity to our microbiomes and helps to support the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They help to keep a healthy balance of bacteria and may support nutrient absorption.


A close-up image of the gastrointestinal tract.


How Do I Rebuild My Gut Microbiome?


Everyone’s microbiome is unique, meaning that one way to help gut microbiome health will work wonders for some people but not work for others. Instead of focusing on getting rid of bad bacteria, it’s better to look at ways you can rebuild and restore friendly bacteria. You can rebuild your gut microbiome by consuming a healthy balanced diet.


Some foods high in fibre are classed as prebiotics that help to feed the good bacteria and help them grow in your gut. A plant-based diet like the Mediterranean diet will provide you with plenty of fibre-rich fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains that are perfect for restoring your healthy bacteria. Some common foods that are a great source of prebiotics include garlic, onions, bananas, apples, asparagus, and oats, beans and lentils to name a few.


You may also want to try microbiome supplements- we have a great choice at Garden of Life.


These supplements contain live bacteria that can often be found in fermented foods, like kimchi and kombucha.


However, one option is to take friendly bacteria supplements which contain high levels of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria which will help to support your microbiome.


A pregnant woman in bed reading and eating a bowl of fruit and yogurt.


Microbiome Supplements at Garden of Life


At Garden of Life, there are plenty of vitamins and supplements to help support a healthy gut. Our Garden of Life microbiome supplements are specifically formulated to target different ages, gender and health conditions.


Garden of Life Microbiomes


Our Garden of Life Microbiomes range is made using clinically studied ingredients with live cultures. Containing billions of diverse strains of live bacteria, our microbiome supplements are all gluten-free and some are dairy, soya-free and vegan certified. They have been specifically formulated to meet your needs based on your age, gender, and specific health concerns. Browse through our best-selling Microbiome supplements below:




Garden of Life
Writer and expert
View Garden of Life's profile